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Newbie to abandoned places exploration

發表於 27-5-2016 22:24:20 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Hi all,  

Just wondering how active this group is, is there anyone we can follow?

We are a team of explorers:

I am Mel and my friend is Ry.  He has explored quite a few places in different parts of the world including the abandoned roller coaster in Japan.  I myself is pretty much his assistant who is there to help with the small surrounding things.

13245331_10154354978412573_8467200302269185423_n.jpg 13307451_10154354978397573_1110765122900940065_n.jpg 13230318_10154354978352573_4880725966506887675_n.jpg 13312887_10154359735942573_2055408598690889277_n.jpg 12871476_10154359735887573_3113039483092134603_n.jpg 13260129_10154359735802573_493601012919343507_n.jpg 13315431_10154359735777573_385092888220545898_n.jpg

Here are some photos of our recent exploration, and would also like to see if there are anyone who can go with us (or better yet give us some suggestions)

Thanks in advance!


Mel and Ry


參與人數 2積分 +80 收起 理由
egg_studio + 40 支持出相
Homan + 40 神馬都是浮雲


發表於 27-5-2016 23:31:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Our rule is simple. We are welcome you to share your contents to proof you are exploring and digging with cautious and experienced. Then we would consider grant you additional permission to access our privated contents.  

發表於 28-5-2016 12:58:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Hello~ is there any blog or website that I can view your adventures and pictures? ^^
 樓主| 發表於 28-5-2016 15:15:39 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
Sonythecat FB

YouTube- relatively new

Instagram: thatsonycat


參與人數 1積分 +80 收起 理由
Homan + 80 支持原創


發表於 4-11-2016 18:59:57 | 顯示全部樓層
thank for you share.
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